Employment Practices Liability

Product under construction but we can consider on an excess layer basis.

Employment related claims aren’t anything new.

The EPL landscape is constantly changing and evolving. In recent years the #MeToo movement, Brexit, changes in working practices following the pandemic and a greater focus on diversity and inclusion have resulted in heightened awareness, but also exposure. Business leaders are increasingly facing allegations from areas previously unknown to them. Like most financial lines classes, EPL is written on a ‘claims made basis’ meaning cover will apply only to claims notified during the contractual period.

Employment related claims can be bought for many reasons. Such as;

Wrongful dismissal/termination

Harassment or discrimination based upon sexual orientation, age, race, religion, gender, pregnancy/maternity, or disability.

Failure to promote or hire an individual

Deprivation of a career opportunity

Breach of employment contract

Failure to pay wages/salaries.

Why Kayzen


We are not broker owned and therefore not aligned to your competition.

Unified commitment

Fully aligned with our capacity provider and sharing common ownership ensures we are committed to the same goals: stability, profitability, sustainability.

5-year capacity

Commitment from our A- Rated capacity provider ensures long-term stability for a long tail class of business.

Claims excellence

Our experienced Head of Claims manages the entire claims process in-house, elevating Kayzen's service above those relying heavily on outsourcing. This guarantees consistent access to our trusted team throughout the entire contract lifecycle, from the quote/bind stage and beyond.

Transparent coverage

Policy wordings that are clear, concise and transparent. We prioritise your understanding, ensuring you make informed decisions with confidence.

Broker centric

Brokers have their own processes and ways of working. At Kayzen, we operate flexibly dependent on broker requirements.

We listen, analyse and learn. Always adapting. Always evolving. Continuously improving. Kayzen

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